The ANIMATION SHOW OF SHOWS returns to theaters across North America this fall. Featuring 10 films from seven countries, the 2019 edition of the program offers an array of highly imaginative, thought-provoking, and moving works that reflect the filmmakers’ unique perspectives and their relationship to the world.
“Animation is an incredibly versatile medium that allows artists to explore situations and ideas that you won’t see anywhere else,” says ANIMATION SHOW OF SHOWS founder and curator Ron Diamond. “From political and philosophical concerns, to the complexities of individual identity and personal relationships, animated short films are uniquely able to capture the many facets of human experience.”
THE 21ST ANNUAL ANIMATION SHOW OF SHOWS has a running time of 83 1/2 minutes and includes 10 films, three of which have qualified for Academy Award® consideration†. The complete lineup is:
Kids - Michael Frei, Mario von Rickenbach, Switzerland
Rubicon - Gil Alkabetz, Germany
Portrait of Gil Alkabetz (Rubicon) - Marta Trela Germany
Five Minutes to Sea † - Natalia Mirzoyan, Russia
Récit de soi (Self-Narrative) - Géraldine Charpentier, Belgium
Le jour extraordinaire † (Flowing through Wonder) - Joanna Lurie, France
Hounds - Amit Cohen, Ido Shapira, Israel
Portrait of Amit Cohen and Ido Shapira (Hounds) - Shlomi Yosef
The Fox and the Bird (Le renard et l’oisille) - Sam & Fred Guillaume, Switzerland
Daughter † - Daria Kashcheeva, Czech Republic
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Earlier Event: January 17
Where's My Roy Cohn?
Later Event: January 26
Hedwig and the Angry Inch