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The People vs. Agent Orange

  • in our VIRTUAL CINEMA! (map)

“Everything a great environmental documentary should be” --Jury Award, Eugene Environmental Film Festival

Playing in our Virtual Cinema starting Friday, March 5!

Ticket & Info here:

The Agent Orange catastrophe did not end with the Vietnam War.  Today, the world over, a primary chemical of the toxic defoliant controls weeds in farming, forestry, parks, playgrounds… It wreaks havoc on the human genome, causing deformed births and deadly cancers.  

After decades of struggle and tragic personal losses, two heroic women are leading a worldwide movement to end the plague and hold the manufacturers accountable. In France, Tran To Nga is suing the American chemical industry for poisoning her in Vietnam. In America, Carol Van Strum exposes the continuing use of toxic herbicides. Incriminating documents disappear.  Activists are threatened.  A helicopter technician secretly films the contamination of reservoirs, while a massive industrial cover-up goes on.

Earlier Event: November 20
Later Event: April 2
2021 Oscar Nominated Short Films