Animation artist and illustrator Ben Wickey brings his delightfully macabre cinema to the Park View Room in Worcester! Tickets are $10 each and can be purchased at the link below or at the door.
The House of the Seven Gables
Based on the 19th century gothic novel by Nathaniel Hawthorne, The House of the Seven Gables tells the story of an old New England mansion plagued by a dark history that now haunts its motley crew of inhabitants. This clever, visually detailed retelling takes stop-motion animation out of the realms of self-reflexive comedy and children’s television, giving it the kind of dramatic weight and ambiance typically reserved for live-action film.
Homecoming is an unorthodox coming-of-age tale based on the titular short story by science fiction writer Ray Bradbury (Fahrenheit 451). As his large family’s annual reunion approaches, young Timothy feels like a misfit because, well… he’s not a misfit. The only ordinary human child in an immortal clan endowed with a variety of supernatural powers, he must confront painful feelings of otherness and find purpose in his mortality.
About the Creator:
Ben Wickey is a Massachusetts-born filmmaker and illustrator. A graduate of CalArts, he is the animation director for GOREY, the forthcoming documentary about famed author and artist Edward Gorey, as well as co-creator of the retrospective book The Illustrated Vivian Stanshall.
Stick around for a live Q&A!